
Food /Allied  & Medical Products

cold room

We preserve better, we preserve hygienically

pack house services

Cleaning > Washing> Grading > Sorting > Cooling > Drying > Storage > Transportaion

& approved

Certified & approved for gamma irradiation, cold storage & pack house services


Certified and experienced staffs

world class services

All world class services at one stop to export over the globe


Solas Industries has all the necessary approvals that are required for gamma irradiation,cold storage & pack house services


Iso 9001 : 2015
Iso 13485 : 2016
Iso 11137-3 : 2017
Iso 14001 : 2015


Solas Industries has sourced its technology from the Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), an arm of the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India. Solas Industries has set up a Gamma Irradiation Processing Facility (GRPF), Cold Chamber, Laboratory Testing for Quality Control, R&D works, and Integrated Pack House for Fruits & Vegetables. Irradiation includes all medical equipment, fruits & vegetables, cereals, grains, animal/pet feeds, herbs, spices and others.

solas industries-
our vision

To build a healthier , fairer and safer world

our values

  • Commitment- We behave in a trustworthy manner in every situation.

  • Quality- We meet our commitments and exceed expectations in everything we do.

  • Integrity- We are transparent, honest, ethical, and fair in all of our interactions, people trust us to adhere to our word.

  • Safety- We maintain a safe workplace and use safe work practices. 

solas industries-
our mission

Focus on Growth, Empowerment and Commitment.

  • Growth – of our Clients, and Stakeholders
  • Empowerment – Of our Farmers
  • Commitment – Of providing hygienic and best quality Agro produce to Domestic as well as International consumers.